Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Open Letter about Happily Ever After

It's not your fault you're so confused. The media, people we
work with, and society as a whole have painted this unobtainable
idea of happily ever after.

It's not like that...It takes a tough person to hang in there and
take the lumps and bumps of marriage. Marriage is definitely
not for wimps. I think even in my extreme case, it is easier for us
to find flaws in our mates and discuss those (which seem funnier
at dinner conversations) than to admit and discuss those really
wonderful qualities about the people we chose to spend the rest
of our lives with.

Marriage is a lot like self esteem...you have to stroke it...you HAVE
to dwell, praise, and repeat those experiences where there is joy
and love and try to minimize those unpleasant things such as
putting socks in the dirty clothes hamper wrong side out. There
has to be as many good things about the person we fell in love with
as those irritating things, otherwise we wouldn't have fallen in love
in the first place. Well that's my marriage philosophy...the word
according to me.


  1. Very true. Yay for the positives. :-)

  2. Kelly, There is much to be said about another person who is willing to devote their life to you.

  3. That's very true. You have to cultivate a marriage just like you would a garden. Otherwise it grows weeds and before you know it there's no garden left.

  4. :waves: Hi Muse! I've been MIA for awhile cos to tell you the truth life has been insanely crazy. Work and personal things going on. Hometown got hit by Ike and parents are displaced into a FEMA trailer. Son got displaced but he found a roommate and now looking for a job. I dont live there anymore so it's been back and forth traveling. I'm about to move into a new place in Austin and will be back in a routine...and will begin blogging again soon. Good to hear from ya! Great Post!!

  5. Of course you will Tex, Baseball season is almost upon us!

  6. Very true, so I wonder why people just bail out when they feel bored? Or cheat and risk losing it all rather than work out the lumps and bumps in their own marriage?
